This is my online POSM design portfolio. It contains a few examples of the many POSM displays and activations I've designed since entering the Retail Marketing world in 2013, as well as some consumer good designs and blue-sky concept examples that have relevance and showcase my product styling ability, attention to function and ability for designing for mass production.
My design experience since entering the job market in 2012 has been very diverse. So far it includes high-end cabinetry design and technical oversight, various consumer goods (pet accessories, sports massage equipment, safety equipment, to name a few), and predominantly retail display design.
Since starting Theo Olivier Design PTY LTD in 2017 I've provided a flexible remote design service to a hand-full of retail marketing firms, start-ups and product development firms
Since starting Theo Olivier Design PTY LTD in 2017 I've provided a flexible remote design service to a hand-full of retail marketing firms, start-ups and product development firms
Having spent the last 10 years predominantly designing retail displays, I consider myself something of a retail marketing vetarine! I've been a key player in developing retail marketing playbooks that convert shoppers, and I have plenty of value to add up and down the value chain
I'm excited about emerging technologies and design tools and leverage AI in my process whenever appropriate, and strive to learn new tools as they become available